Favorite Baby Things

I was thinking today about some of the baby products I can’t live without right now. Most if them I picked up on with my first baby but some are more necessities brought on by living in Ohio this time around.

Car Seat Canopy
With the cold weather we have been having for the past few months, I am happy I decided to pick up on a car seat canopy. It’s great to be able to get Aubrey all situated inside the warm house and get her to the car without getting wet or snow on her. For me, it also doubles as a blanket for her to lay on or for me to out in her while I am carrying her, or even as a nursing cover.
If you are interested in getting one, you can get a Carseat Canopy here for free plus shipping by using our promo code, AOB173. (You can use the same code to purchase a nursing cover if that makes nursing in public easier for you.)

Nasal Aspirator
I am so happy another mom told me about the Nosefrida The Snotsucker Nasal Aspirator when Kelsey was a baby. I never felt like I was actually clearing anything out of her nose with the bulb. With the Nosefrida, I know I’m getting it out and my baby can breathe while she’s nursing. Aubrey has had a cold twice so far and, even though she’s not a fan of it, I am happy. (Yes, it sounds and kind of looks gross but it’s actually very clean.)

Nursing Pillow
I have 3 of them! One for upstairs, one for downstairs, and one that lives in the car. It makes it so much more comfortable to nurse or even just have Aubrey on my lap. With her touch of reflex it lets me lay her down with her being completely flat, and acts as a tummy time support. My older daughter still likes to lay on it for naps, too.
There are several brands out there, but if you are interested in picking one up, get a free one, plus shipping, here with promo code AOB173.

Folex Co. FSR32 Folex Instant Carpet Stain Remover – 32 Fl 0z.
Folex Stain Remover might be the best thing ever. Someone at Home Depot recommended it to my husband and I was skeptical of it but it works. Everything Kelsey has dropped or that shoes have dragged in has come out (full disclaimer: except one mystery spot that we have no idea what it is). We even started spraying it on clothes that suffered from poop-splosions and it gets it out. Baby poop has some serious staining power so anything that gets it out of clothes is a-ok in my book.

Baby Carriers and Slings have been such a help since Aubrey got here. I ended up doing a lot of baby carrying when Kelsey was a baby so I knew I had to be ready for when Aubrey got here. I have been using a ring sling which is pretty easy to get on and off and use in a variety of situations. It makes it easier to keep Aubrey nice and calm while I do things with Kelsey. We’ve been to Christmas tree lightings, drum circles, roller skating (I wasn’t on skates), to Disney On Ice, all around the mall, playdates, etc. It makes it easier when you don’t have to try to get a stroller everywhere while chasing after a 2 year old. I am hoping to upgrade to a soft structures carrier because we would like to get out to the MetroParks around here in the spring and, of course, some Blue Star Museums this summer and I think it will be more secure. Plus, Aubrey is so curious with everything going on around her now I don’t want her sliding around on me when I’m focused on Kelsey.


There you have it. A few of the things that have made things a little better and easier around here. Maybe they will help out in your home, too.

**This post contains affiliate links.**

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